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At a glance


The total population of the district


35,39,000 peoples

Unemployed youth


2 lac

Young people


12 lac

Educated youth


Uneducated or illiterate : 45%

Youth living in the village 



Youth living in the city : 27%

Poor youth



Profile of Department of Youth Development, Bogra



Office of the Deputy Director, Department of Youth Development



Tinmatha Railgate, Bogra-5800

Head of District Office


Deputy Director

District website






Telephone number



Mobile number



Vision of the Department of Youth Development


 A modern life-minded youth with moral and human values capable of enhancing the development and glory of Bangladesh

Mission of the Department of Youth Development


To ensure the development and empowerment of the youth with the aim of establishing them in all walks of life



The total manpower of the youth department in the district


District Office  :                          21 (with 2 deputations)

Youth training center:                16 people

Bogra Regional Youth Center:  14 people

                                         Total: 51 people.

Number of youth


 12 lakhs (approximately)

Youth offices


A)  youth training center                 01
B)  upazila offices                         12
C) Bogra Regional Youth Center      01

Activities of Youth Development Department, Bogra


A) Skill enhancement training for unemployed youth
B) Poverty Alleviation and Debt Program
C) Self-employment creation program
D) Awareness raising programs
E) Recognition / registration of youth organizations
F) Providing grants to youth organizations
G) Awarding of National Youth Award
H) Celebration of various national and international days
I) Activities under Public-Private Partnership (PPP)



There are two types of training programs in the Department of Youth Development.

  1) Institutional Training Program (Non-Resident and Youth Training Center at District Office)
  Residential) and
2) Informal training program (non-resident at upazila level).

A) Institutional:
Under the institutional training program, two types of training are provided at the district level, residential and non-residential. The duration of training in institutional training trades is 1 month to 6 months. Computer training is also provided at the upazila level through ICT mobile vans under the Institutional Training Cours

Regular trade :

1. Training on cattle, poultry, first aid, fish farming and agriculture - 3 months
2. Fisheries training - 1 month

3. Garment making training - 3 months
4. Computer Basic Training - 6 months

5. Electronics training - 6 months

6. Modern Office Management and Computer Application - 6 months

7. Refrigeration and air conditioning training - 6 months

8. Electrical and house wiring - 6 months

Special training (subject to budget allocation)

1. Mobile phone repairing and servicing training - 1 month

2. Block / Batik / Screen Printing Training - 1 month

3. Mobile Computer Training - 1 month (conducted by Upazila Office)

4. Welding - 1 month

5. Youth Kitchen (Cooking) - 1 month

6. Preparation and replacement of IPS, UPS and stabilizer - 1 month

7. Outsourcing / Free Lansing - 1 month


B) Unofficial:
Informal training programs are provided in remote areas in various trades based on local demand through the Upazila office. The duration of informal trade is 07 days.

1. Family poultry rearing.
2. Raising broilers and cockerels.
3. Raising chickens.
4. Goat rearing.
5. Cow fattening.
6. Family cow rearing.
7. Preparation and marketing of animal feed.

8. Animal diseases and its prevention.
9. Pigeon keeping.
10. Preservation and processing of raw hides.
11. Fisheries.
12. Integrated fish farming.
13. Seasonal fish farming.
14. Fish fry farming (rice fry).
15. Establishment of fish hatchery.
16. Fish farming in floodplain lands.
16. Cultivation of lobster and shrimp.
16. Dry making and preservation.
19. Home grown vegetables.

20. Nursery.

21. Flower cultivation.

22. Fruit cultivation.

23. Making compost manure.
24. Making tree pens.
25. Cultivation of medicinal plants.
26. Block printing.
26. Batik printing.
26. Clothing made.
29. Screen printing
30. Pottery work.
31. Manipuri weaving industry.
32. Made of paper bags and sticks.
33. Made of bamboo and cane materials.
34. Nakshi kantha made.
35. Someone made wax.
36. Manufacture of jute products.
36. Made of leather goods.
36. Chinese and confectionery.
39. Rickshaw, bicycle, van repair.
40. Welding and
41. Photography

Youth loan program


There are two types of loan programs:

A) Self-employment loan program (person centered loan)
Under this program, loans are provided through upazila offices for creating self-employment projects for youths trained in institutional and non-formal courses. Depending on the training and project, there is an opportunity to give a minimum loan of Rs. 40,000 / - to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000 / -.

B) Family based loan program:
Under this program, the poor unemployed youth at the grassroots level were organized into family groups and loans were provided through 5 days awareness training through 6 upazila offices (Gabtali, Dhunat, Sonatala, Sariakandi, Sherpur, Nandigram) of Bogra district. The number of members of the group is 05, and a center is formed with 8 to 10 groups. Each member of the group has the opportunity to get a maximum loan of Rs. 12,000 / - at the initial stage and Rs. 16,000 / - and Rs. 20,000 / - at the initial stage.



Trained youths are encouraged to become self-reliant by taking up self-employment projects by utilizing the knowledge acquired and help in obtaining capital from Karmasangsthan Bank, Janata Bank and other financial institutions as well as loan facilities from the department for taking up and managing projects. Generally, the monthly net income of self-employed youth ranges from Rs. 6,000 / - to Rs. 50,000 / -. However, some successful self-employed youths earn lakhs of rupees a month.

Awareness raising programs 


Under this program, besides enhancing the skills of the professional youth in training, they are also made aware of various socio-economic issues. Again, HIV / AIDS / STD and Prevention of Sexual Dysfunction of Unemployed Youth through Youth Organizers, Reproductive Health, Prevention of Drug Abuse, Social Policies, Values ​​Practice, Gender and Development, Dowry, Prevention of Polygamy and Child Marriage, Eveteasing, Terrorism, Corruption, Militancy Awareness and raising awareness on issues like ensuring good governance, disaster management, environmental protection, civic education, women empowerment, population control, family welfare etc.

Youth organization grants


Financial grants are provided annually to encourage voluntary organizations that conduct youth activities. There are two types:

A) Youth Welfare Fund (managed directly by the Ministry of Youth and Sports)
B) Underdeveloped sector (managed by the department)

In addition, the organization-based activities are inspired by receiving various projects from time to time from the department.

Awarding national and international awards


A) National Youth Award: National Youth Day is celebrated on 1st November every year. The National Youth Award is given every year on Youth Day by selecting from among the trained youth and women who are able to set up self-employment projects and those youth organizations who are able to make exemplary contribution in social development activities.
B) Commonwealth Youth Awards: Commonwealth Youth Program, Asia Center presents Commonwealth Awards each year in various titles in recognition of the social development work of government and non-government organizations and youth organizations involved in the implementation of youth activities in Commonwealth countries.
C) SAARC Youth Award: The SAARC Youth Award Scheme has been launched since 1998. In order to promote youth activities among the countries of the SAARC region, the SAARC Secretariat awards the SAARC Youth Award every year for outstanding achievements in social development activities

Awarding Diploma in Youth Activities


The Diploma Course in Youth Work is a joint venture between the Commonwealth Youth Program, Asia Center and Bangladesh Open University and the Department of Youth Development. The duration of this course is 18 months.

Celebrate different days


November 1 is National Youth Day, August 5 is Shaheed Sheikh Kamal's birthday, August 12 is International Youth Day and other national and international days.

Public-private partnership (PPP)


Under this program, a memorandum of understanding was signed with various government and non-government organizations for skill enhancement training, social awareness activities and provision of capital to the trained youth.